
Alcino J. Silva and Michael S. Fanselow are the Co-directors of the Core.  Together, and in coordination with an Advisory Board, they make decisions concerning the availability and use of the Core facilities.  The Co-directors have final responsibility for administration of the Core and supervision of the Research Associate in charge of running the Core facility.  Advisory Committee members oversee and organize a peer-review of the facility. During formal annual meetings, the Advisory Board evaluates the output of the Core, the comments made by the users, the operating protocols, and the structure of the behavioral tests.  The Research Associate serves as direct Supervisor of the Core, coordinates and schedules research efforts, provides assistance with protocol preparation and design, trains researchers in behavioral batteries and analyses and supervises the research staff.  The research staff provides on-site assistance to researchers and conducts experiments for the clients. The staff of the Psychology Vivarium supports the vivarium associated with the facility.  The Psychology Department Business Office processes the finances of the Core.